October 3, 2010

Blessing in Disguise.

It’s October 1, 2010. Supposedly, we have no classes. But there was a scheduled Grand Case Pres. 2 weeks ago,  I was like flabbergasted when our Class president included my name on the case presenters (2 representatives from our class). I didn’t like the idea. I had to attend meetings and stuff which I learnt to enjoy and love after a week. So there have been so many dramas and quandaries on our case.

I just got home. It’s raining cats and dogs. I had no umbrella so I got a little wet. It’s been a tough week for those who are behind the case study. The scheduled Grand Case Pres was moved on October 7 which at first I didn’t like but we all realized that it is a blessing in disguise. There are tons of revisions, issues and shortcomings. So thank you, Lord for making it possible.

One thing I’m in no doubt at this moment. We will kick in a notch on the 7th. We will be geared. And we will be ready. We will be well armed.  

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