December 1, 2010

Something really worth the sweat.

Nothing beats.

Thrilled. Amazed. Victorious.

I just had one of the best days in my life. November 25, 2010. I woke up excited but a bit nervous. Why? Because this day marks our Grand Case Presenatation @ De La Salle Lipa.

Excited because I will be representing not only my College but also our University FOR THE FIRST TIME.
.........................I will be facing a crowd I actually dont know.
.........................I together with my GrandCase teamates want to rock the day.
.........................we will be presenting the case we've been working hard for.

Nervous because I still have cough which for me is a killer. I'm afraid that I'd be coughing while presenting my part, and that isnt good.
.........................maybe, just maybe... The panel of judges will critique our paper that much..
........................I may not be able to present my part in 5 minutes.

I knew from the moment that I woke up that this will be a joyful day. Just to make this story short, my teamates arrived @DLSL quite late, Funny though. We prayed. Unfortunately (but hell not), Abu picked number 1. So we will go first. Btw, there will only be 2 schools competing. As Jomar (the talented technical guy) played the intro of our case. We've seen how in awe the audience were. It was very high-tech. I will be the 2nd presenter and as Jean called my name, I got on stage and basically what's been on my mind is that..Please, Lord. Dont let me cough cos I promise I'll rock this. And I was just so g-l-a-d. I presented my part very well. I walked, talked, explained my part with confidence. Not thinking about whether will I be oughing or not. I enjoyed that very moment. And thank you Lord, I didnt cough during my presentation. Amazing.

My teamates, really did well. Damn well. They rocked. Seriously. Although we ran out of time. Still.. We rocked the Question and Answer portion. Thank u Lord. We would always remember what the panelist told us while on stage for the critiquing, 'Be smart'. and we were. They stated that they were impressed. And that's a point on us because we really worked hard for this.

I want to commend the presenters of the other school for a job well done. They did really good. Although we've supported them, they did not seem to care. Their Clinical  Instructors were very unprofessional. But.. Seems like, if you'd get bothered by other schools or if you'd just remain bitter, well you will not succeed. Well enough for that. It was a nice competition aftre all.

Haayyy.. Seriously, I am still wide amazed and grateful that I was one of those seniors chosen. Lord, our prayers do move mountains. This is something worth the sweat. Something that we will always remember for the rest of our lives. I'm so proud of my team and our coaches. Seeing them happy, jumping for joy, believing in our abilities alot.. wow! Thank you.

I am also glad that Ive met new people.

I share this medal to: former GrandCase teamates.
..our instructors who have been so supportive. Ma'am Yolyn, Ma'am Bergado, Sir Mar, Sir Cumba. You guys rock! Groupmates: GroupB
..Lindsay and Heather. Who have been always supportive.
..My LOlo, Mama, Papa and brothers. Aunt Loida and Patten.
I just feel like I won a lottery. One of the best days of my life

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