March 24, 2011

Save One Soul.

Isn't it great when people would come to you and tell you that you've inspired them. I was at our Retreat. Our section was combined with Section 14. At the activity that we were about to hug those from the other section, I got the chance to hug this girl. What I only knew was, I just met her in YFC. Just that. That's all I knew. So I hugged her.

Me: Hi, Sorry. Thank You. I love You
Stranger: You don't remember me, right?

Me: Hmmm..What I just know is, you're a YFC.

Her: Ahh. You were my fascilitator in my youth camp. (Smiling)

Me: *teary-eyes* Sorry!! THANK YOU SO MUCH. *hugged her tight*

its not that easy for me to remember all their names and stuff. But here, I was so suprised. It was just so great to see someone you fascilitated and now enjoying the life of being in service. You know what, when I was 13, 14. Our leaders in YFC has always reminded us, that when you fascilitate, when you serve in youth camps, the least thing you can do is to SAVE ONE SOUL. When I grew in service, and got to fascilitate those younger or quite older than me, that has always been instilled on my mind. When I used to be a fasci, all I wanted was to inspire others. To allow others to let God enter the core of their hearts. and to fascilitate them as they take their first step in service. and I was just so glad, when Jen told me about this. After hearing those, I hugged her tight. I was glad that she remembered me. I was glad to know that I have inspired someone. I was glad to know, that she is really enjoying being in the community. I was glad. And everytime I remember that, I always smile. I was glad for atleast, I know I saved one soul.

Meet Jen. Excuse my look, okay. Haha.

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